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North First Street


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  • 1631 North First Street suite 100, San Jose, CA, USA


Text: 650.260.8866


Wechat: sandhills168

480 North First Street, San Jose CA 95112


1.SandHills投资俱乐部&Light Up财商学院只为投资人收集投资相关知识及投资项目相关信息,不为投资人做任何投资建议。购买任何投资产品唯一基础是项目方最终基础销售文件,该文件将包含有关每个投资项目的投资目标,投资条款以及相关风险和费用的信息。投资者应进行自己的独立评估和分析,包括咨询财务,税务,投资顾问等,并决定是否进行投资。

2.SandHills投资俱乐部&Light Up财商学院提醒投资人,所有的投资都有风险,投资不能盲目。没有最好的投资,只能寻找最适合自己的投资。俱乐部为投资人建立社区,欢迎多来我们俱乐部的活动,多了解相关知识,多结识有相关领域多年经验的朋友与专家。

3.本网站投资产品陈列按照SEC要求,地产项目包括Reits只开放给合格投资人。如果您符合个投资人的要求,欢迎注册成为俱乐部合格投资人会员。​如果你还在财富累积阶段未达到合格投资人,可以注册LIght Up财商学院学员,参加Light Up财商学院的免费公益活动,为将来成为合格投资人做准备。

*** SEC认证合格投资人(Accredited Investor)- 是指有丰富投资经验且能够自负盈亏的投资者,符合美国证券交易委员会条例D第501款(Regulation D Rule 501)。You are an “Accredited Investor“ as defined in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D under the Securities Act. An Accredited Investor means any Natural person that has (i) an individual net worth, or joint net worth with his or her spouse, of more than $1,000,000; or (ii) individual income in excess of $200,000, or joint income with his or her spouse in excess of $300,000, in each of the two most recent years and has a reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level in the current year。***

© 2024 by Light Up 财商学院 & SandHills Investment Club

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